Gen Who?

Oh man, I almost slapped my head when I remembered that I almost forgot to enjoy the pleasure of not being at GenCon.  Then I remembered that I don’t have to slap my head.  They have people who will do that for you.

The Con doesn’t stand for Convention anymore, it stands for…hey, what is “con” short for when you talk about a “con job” anyway?  Man, if I knew the etymology of con job, that might have been a real zinger.

I wasn’t going to talk about GenCon this year, but I’m drawn to idiocy like a sexy beast of a moth to flame.

So now we live in a world where the nerd world is breaking down into two camps.  Those who say things like, “Hey, maybe we shouldn’t let any pedo walk in off the streets and start leaning over the kids playing Pokyermom card games.  We should probably do something about that,” on the one side and those willing to do whatever it takes to stop them from stopping the pedophiles.  And it turns out GenCon is on Team “Do You Like Gladiator Movies, Timmy?”

Don’t say we didn’t warn you.


Going deep on the symbolism on this one.  The right people will get the digs in this pic.

Fortunately, the lads were on top of their game today and won’t let GenCon escape from their decision to support Clown World Nazi Punching Sexpests over regular Joes.  Archive link for ultimate lulz.


Which of course led to GenCon doubling, tripling, quadrupling down.  Their interactive videos have gone non-teractive thanks to the barrage of, “Sup, Gennie?” from my brothers from another MAGA mother.


Three more days of this, GenCon.  Three more days.


For those who don’t know, the guy that got assaulted was run out of Magic: The Gaythering by Wizards of the Coast because he kept asking them to do something about all the people on Sex Offender Registers who were active volunteers at M:tG tournaments.  WotC, as the left wing nuts they are responded with a big fat, “SHUT UP!” and gave him the boot.  Jeepers creepers!  It’s like a fatter, slovenlier version of Hollywood all over again!

Maybe next year you sad sacks will listen to me and stay home this weekend.  Do it for the kids.

About The Alt-Right DM

At long last, a tall cool drink of alt-right water in the midst of a liberal and cuckservative desert. Inspired by the need for soldiers in the Culture War, E. Reagan Wright volunteered to stand up to the forces of progressivism before they complete their takeover of the once energetic, diverse and just plain fun hobby of role-playing games. A lone voice in the digital wilderness preaching to that quiet, right-wing remnant that has languished in the cold for years. E. Reagan Wright loves his Mom, guns, apple pie, football, and calling that lesser game by its rightful name - soccer.
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4 Responses to Gen Who?

  1. Max Boivin says:

    Con in con job is for “confidence” but the con in GenCon now stands for “concussion”.


  2. The Mixed GM says:

    Start your own con! No soy boys or pedos allowed!

    Liked by 1 person

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