Who Said That?

Oh, yeah!  That’s right, it was meI said that.  I told you D5D was totally gay, but some of you didn’t believe me.  Well, here it is in black and digital white from those paragons of upright honesty and integrity*, Kotaku:

“Wizards of the Coast is making D&D more gay.” [Emphasis mine.]


Strahd never looked more intimidating.

Once again, it’s left to old E. Reagan Wright to spell this out for you lot.  All the weak kneed surrender monkey conservatives out there are falling all over themselves trying to explain themselves and why they aren’t really X-ophobes, they just don’t see why WotC had to do this because blah, blah, blah, me so reasonable massah Antifa, please don’ dox po’ little ol’ me, I’s not agin’ they gay, I’s just wants to plays mah Dungeons and Dragons without the gay – not that there’s anything wrong with the gay – at mah table.

Bear in mind, this little announcement is not a change in direction.  As Kotaku hastens to admit, “Every adventure since Curse of Strahd has included one or several queer characters.”  WizAIDS of the Coast didn’t make this announcement because of any desire to actually DO anything, they just wanted to let everyone know that they are good people, please do not Antifa our offices.

This – like the toppling of (a select few) historical statues** – is not about increased representation or “having people in the games that look like me”.


Seriously? D&D needs more in-game characters like this?  Gygax wept.

This isn’t about making sure the left wing crazy cakes feel better about gender swapping a few NPCs so that their fantasy game can include the fantasy of a stable and healthy gay marriage.  This is about making sure that people who aren’t left wing crazy cakes know exactly who is in charge here.  This isn’t about allowing some gay into some tables, this is about ensuring the gay at every table.  Even yours.

Now, they will readily admit that it’s easy enough for you, in the privacy of your mom’s basement, to gender swap gay couples to make them normal again.  For now.  “Weaving queer plotlines into D&Dgames is not hard to do,” the Kotaku article admits.  But when it comes to any sort of organized public play, your hands are tied.  You will choke on this tabletop dildo and you will like it or you will be considered anathem – forcing normal people out of the hobby is the only way to ensure its growth.

Hey, it worked great for Marvel!



The other common refrain that nobody has an answer to (until now) comes from the bleating left, “Why not?”

There’s a little thing called opportunity costs.  Everything is limited.  Time, money, energy, everything.  When you spend time and energy focusing on one thing, you cannot spend that time and energy focusing on something else.  Marvel is learning to their financial chagrin that focusing their time and energy on diversity means taking time and energy away from things like characterization, plot, story structure, art quality, proofreading, PROOFREADING for God’s sake!  Those are all kind of important things for stories, and Marvel has taken eggs out of those baskets*** to throw them all into the diversity basket, and the results are obvious.  Both subjectively in the quality of the works they sell and objectively in the sales figures.

And this is the future WotC has chosen.

They are converging at a stellar rate.  The mission of foisting their bizarro world views onto the general public is far more important to the leaders at Wizards of the Left Coast than listening to fans, increasing market share, increasing sales, and chasing after the almighty dollar.  They’ll get away with it for a while – heck, Paizo is still in business – because this sort of *ahem* business *ahem* decision takes a while to metastasize into full blown diagnosable cancer.

And as usual, as is the way of sinful behavior everywhere, those responsible for contracting the easily avoidable social disease that is leftism will scurry about like rats blaming everything under the sun EXCEPT for their own obviously terrible decision making skills.  They’ll blame external market forces.  Changes in publishing.  Pressure from “upstairs”.  Anything, ANYTHING! but their own short sighted stupidity.

And as usual their response will be to double down.  They’ll redouble their efforts to appeal to a smaller and smaller user base through increased visible signalling, more rainbow flags, more condemnations of badfans, and stricter control over organized play space.

It’s a death spiral for the official brand, and one they cannot escape.  Wizards grabbed the urine-bottle throwing tiger by the tale, and they cannot now hope to let go or else they will be eaten alive by the very people they so desperately seek to placate.  They don’t know that this is a game they cannot win.  They don’t know that sooner or later some bush league locust woman will view the WotC scalp as the perfect trophy with which to adorn her wall.  (And it will be a woman.)  She will view taking down the house that Gygax built as a prime stepping stone to a bigger and better organization to destroy on her way to a fabulous life of middle management in her middle-age surrounded by a middling number of cats.

I bear no ill will towards Wizards of the Coast.  This whole situation doesn’t anger me at all.  Instead, I feel a profound sense of loss and pity.  Watching a loved one die of an easily preventable communicable disease is never pleasant.  But recognizing the self-inflicted nature of the death is important if one is to avoid falling into a similar trap.

Are you watching, Goodman Games?  Frog God Games?  Learn the steps of prevention and inoculate yourselves now – before it’s too late!


*Satire, ladies and gentlement.  I can haz it.

** MLK opposed gay marriage – that’s a hanging offense these days.  And yet, his statues go unmolested.

*** Those milkshakes aren’t going to pay for themselves, people.


About The Alt-Right DM

At long last, a tall cool drink of alt-right water in the midst of a liberal and cuckservative desert. Inspired by the need for soldiers in the Culture War, E. Reagan Wright volunteered to stand up to the forces of progressivism before they complete their takeover of the once energetic, diverse and just plain fun hobby of role-playing games. A lone voice in the digital wilderness preaching to that quiet, right-wing remnant that has languished in the cold for years. E. Reagan Wright loves his Mom, guns, apple pie, football, and calling that lesser game by its rightful name - soccer.
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5 Responses to Who Said That?

  1. Yet another good thing about the OSR movement. Most of the material is free, so there’s no need to support companies who promote immorality.


  2. The Mixed GM says:

    Are you a prophet?

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Mr. Smith says:

    The accelerator is right to the floor, across the board. I usually make it a point to finish books I start, but I just recently threw in the towel on Chuck Wendig’s “Aftermath” Star Wars novel around the 75% mark for all the in your face SJW’ing:
    1. Three of the main characters are all strong womyn that constantly best (in physical AND mental combat) numerous male opponents. They also maintain their cool in all circumstances while many of the men around them fall apart at the slightest hint of adversity.
    2. One of the womyn is retconned as being the Y-Wing pilot in Return of the Jedi that flew into the Death Star II w/ Wedge and Lando, and was personally recruited into the Rebel Alliance by Wedge because of her awesome flying skillz, even though she was “just a freighter pilot” before the Battle of Endor.
    3. A strong Womyn main character has a gay sister who is married.
    4. The wife of the gay sister is, of course, a Person of Color, and completely falls into the Magical Negro Trope.
    5. One of the two male main characters is gay
    6. One of the random characters in the Wendig’s annoying little “Interlude” mini-chapters is a young boy with two dads.
    Those are just some of the most blatant examples.


  4. Geoarrge says:

    I try to keep my campaign setting flexible enough so that a game can be run at other points in the world’s history, and some of those points are where the dominant civilization is in an accelerating decline. So I’m not personally opposed to portraying a super-tolerant queer-friendly society in my games.

    Liked by 1 person

    • The Alt-Right DM says:

      Oh that is some vintage dankness right there. Took me a minute to parse out and then ka-whoosh-o! Mind blown with the subtle byplay of what you imply here. Bravo!


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